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If you're looking for beauty and lifestyle content then you've come to the right place.

I've been covering beauty and lifestyle content on As Told By Kirsty since 2016. I also cover other topics such as fashion and home & interiors as well. It just depends on what I'm enjoying writing about and want to talk about.

get to know me!

BeYou TENS 2.0 Period Pain Relief Device Review

-If a product is marked with an * then it is a PR Sample. This post also contains an affiliate code- In today’s post, I’m reviewing the BeYou TENS 2.0 Period Pain Relief Device RRP £39.99 * which is a new release from the brand and aimed to help with period pain as well as other pain caused by conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS and more. I’ve …

-If a product is marked with an * then it is a PR Sample. This post also contains an affiliate code- In today’s post, I’m reviewing the BeYou TENS 2.0 Period Pain Relief Device RRP £39.99 * which is …

A Christmas Gift Guide

-This post contains affiliate links- I wasn’t going to do any Christmas gift guides on my blog this year but it seemed weird not doing any at all so I’ve decided to just do one kind of round-up gift …

Christmas Homeware Finds

Because we ended up putting up our Christmas decorations literally the week before Christmas last year as we had a lot going on at the time, we’ve decided that we’re going to put our Christmas decora…

What’s On My Black Friday Wishlist

-This post contains affiliate links- I wanted to share my Black Friday Wishlist this year because I've got my eyes on an array of different things. I'm pretty sure I'll end up grabbing a …