Ways I'm Trying To Up My Blogging Game

If you're a fellow blogger reading this then I'm sure you'll know that we all want to be better at blogging in one way or another and we all have "blogger goals", right? Whether it's our photography game, writing, brands we work with and so on. We're basically our own worst critics and we always feel as if we need to work harder (which is totally fine, as long as you don't burn yourself out). Right now, there are a few things which I really want to improve or change about my blog and I thought I'd share with you how I'm planning on doing so.

Work On My Photography -
First of all, it may sound a little silly but I want to lose the marble background, well kind of. I feel as if everyone is using marble and I also find it sometimes harder to edit photos if I've used my marble background. I've recently picked up a backdrop from Backdrops By Lucy and I've also picked up some A2 white foamboard from Amazon, as well as many new blog props (mainly from Wilko and Home Bargains). I just feel as if my photos could be better but I can't afford a flashy new camera so new blog props and backgrounds are all I can do for now. I've been using my new props and backgrounds since last week and happy with the results so far, which is great. Also because I've been so unwell and in pain, I've really been struggling with my photos and the creativity side of taking them (you've probs already noticed that lol). But now I feel as if I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with my current health problems, ~fingers crossed~ and I feel as if I can work more on my photos and how I want them to look.

Change Up My Posts A Little -
I love writing about all things beauty and they are my favourite posts to write but I really want to write and focus on writing more lifestyle posts or even posts about blogging in general (like this one). I'm planning on doing one lifestyle/blog related post per week as well as my usual beauty posts, just to break it up a little. I'm still going to be doing my fashion posts too but they will more likely be "ASOS wishlists" or "Spring Fashion Favourites" etc.

Work On Increasing My DA Score -
Last week my DA score finally went back up to 25 after it being stuck on 23 since December and it literally made me so happy I wanted to cry (I was also super hormonal and wanted to cry at everything but we'll forget about that part, yeah?). I would love to get my DA score to 28-30 before the year is out but we all know how hard it is to actually make it go up. But I think it's a realistic target, right? Or am I just kidding myself... I don't know.

Give Myself Time Off -

With my blog now being my full-time job, I feel as if I don't give myself enough time to not think about it. Every day there's something I feel I need to do for my blog and as much as I love what I'm currently doing, everyone needs to give themselves a break. So I'm planning on giving myself a day or two off each week completely when I don't think or worry about writing a blog post or editing photos etc etc. 

follow me: twitter / instagram


  1. Some good things to work towards here - I am really going to try my best also to improve my photography. However, lighting is a massive issue where I live. Fingers crossed the warmer months help me out!
    Amber | www.amberatlanta.blogspot.co.uk

  2. I absolutely adore your photos, girl but it's always great to have goals to work towards too :)
    Gillian xx Eyelinerflicks.com

  3. I totally agree that we are our own worst critics! I hope you get better soon, and I know what you mean about the marble it's really popular! Your photos always look so gorgeous though! Great post xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  4. Your photos are so stunning & congratulations on the new DA score, I have no doubt that you will get to 30 before the year is out. I've been trying to work on my photography too, it's getting a little brighter out so hopefully that will inspire me to take more photos.

    Tallulah xx

  5. Your goals are great! I feel your pain with the photography, its something I have been trying to work on also. Good luck on achieving your plan! I know you can :-)

  6. You have some great goals. It is always good to want to keep improving. Signs that you are growing. Congrats on your DA score.
