-If a product is marked with an * then it was PR/Gifted to me. This post contains no paid content- |
First up are two products from Alpha H which are the Balancing Cleanser with Damask Rose (limited edition)* and the Micro Cleanse Super Scrub with Glycolic Acid*. The Balancing Cleanser with Damask Rose is a cream cleanser and although it's not aimed at oily skin types like my own, I thought this would be good for when my skin is acting up and being more on the sensitive/dry side because it does go through spells sometimes. It's aimed at normal, dry and sensitive skin types and they claim it removes makeup as well as toning and re-balancing the skin's natural pH level. The first thing I've got to talk about is how nice the product smells because of the aromatic damask rose scent, it makes you feel like you're in a spa. The product itself is of a creamy-milky consistency which is easy to apply and wash off. I do like this cleanser but it's definitely not one I can use when my skin is being oily because it feels a bit too rich on my skin, although the product itself is lightweight, it's really strange. So I've passed the cleanser on to my mum to use daily as she has quite sensitive skin and if my skin does go through a dry/sensitive phase then I'll try it out then but my mum was happy to take it off my hands. It does work well at removing eye makeup (including waterproof mascara!) so I may steal it off her when I'm having issues removing certain mascaras.
The Micro Cleanse Super Scrub with Glycolic Acid is the perfect scrub to use first thing in the morning with its peppermint scent. The consistency kind of reminds me of the Pixi Peel and Polish which is one of my all-time favourite skincare products, however, the Alpha-H scrub doesn't contain lactic acid. I would say it's quite a gentle scrub (with eco-friendly jojoba wax beads) but it packs a punch because of the concoction of ingredients from caffeine, cucumber, peppermint, glycolic acid, jojoba oil and more. Because of the peppermint, it also leaves you with a tingly, cooling sensation which definitely wakes you up first thing in the morning as I've already mentioned. I've also noticed that my skin looks visibly brighter after using it which is a good sign of it working to remove any debris and blocked pores. I definitely agree with their claim of it being the nearest thing to microdermabrasion in a tube. I'm a big fan!
Next up the KAESO Brightening Vitamin C Drops which I actually won in a giveaway on Lily England's instagram in which they had teamed up with KAESO. I won their Marble Luxe Makeup Brush Set and Bag and some skincare products from KAESO. I haven't got around to trying everything yet but the first thing that caught my eye was the Brightening Vitamin C Drops because I mentioned in a blog post not long ago about how I wanted to try more Vitamin C containing products to see if it helps to boost my skin. I've only used the drops from KAESO a handful of times so far but I have seen a difference when I use it in my skin, especially if I apply it after having a rubbish night's sleep (which is apparently the norm lately). So if you're in the market for some Vitamin C drops that work then I would recommend.
Next up the KAESO Brightening Vitamin C Drops which I actually won in a giveaway on Lily England's instagram in which they had teamed up with KAESO. I won their Marble Luxe Makeup Brush Set and Bag and some skincare products from KAESO. I haven't got around to trying everything yet but the first thing that caught my eye was the Brightening Vitamin C Drops because I mentioned in a blog post not long ago about how I wanted to try more Vitamin C containing products to see if it helps to boost my skin. I've only used the drops from KAESO a handful of times so far but I have seen a difference when I use it in my skin, especially if I apply it after having a rubbish night's sleep (which is apparently the norm lately). So if you're in the market for some Vitamin C drops that work then I would recommend.
Lastly is a product that I've been a bit scared to use since it arrived which is the Dermalogica Barrier Defense Booster* which is for sensitive, dry skin and it helps to create a barrier against future irritation. The reason why I've been afraid to use it is because it's a concentrated oil and I've actually stopped using (most) oils on my skin now because I just don't think they help drastically and I hate feeling extra oily when I already have an oilier skin type if that makes sense. However, I decided to give it a whirl because I do already like a few products in the UltraCalming range which I never thought would've actually suited my skin. I'm not going to lie, although it's a concentrated oil, it's still pretty oily and it takes a long time to sink into my skin (I'm talking easily an hour, maybe more) and I really do hate feeling like a product is sitting on my skin, so I don't like that aspect of the oil booster. However, I've got to say, the following morning after using this my skin definitely looks less red, my recent breakout on my forehead looked less irritated and my skin had a nice glow about it. I also like the mess-free packaging because instead of it having a dropper, like most oils, you just press the bottom of the product instead and then it "drops" the oil out.