Are You Being Sexually Harassed At Work? Here’s What You Should Do Next *

-This post is in collaboration-

No one should have to experience sexual harassment. Sadly, a huge number of sexual harassment cases are reported each year and shockingly, many of these allegations have taken place at work. In this post, you can find information on what is considered harassment in the workplace, steps you can take if you think you are a victim of sexual harassment, and advice on navigating job loss and legal options if you leave by choice or experience wrongful termination.
Being sexually harassed at work is a violation of your civil rights and if you choose to go ahead and hold those who have harassed you accountable then you’ll find a civil rights lawyer here. In today’s world, victim-blaming, and shaming is often rife in cases like these, so it makes it difficult for victims to know if they are being sexually harassed or if they’re blowing something out of proportion. 
The truth is that sexual harassment can take many forms. Some are minor and others are extreme. They can also escalate over time, which means something that may seem minor could in time become worse and make your work life unbearable. Some forms of sexual harassment include:
- Comments about your appearance
- Questions about your sex life and conversations directed towards you about sex
- Suggestive/provocative emails/online messages 
- Unwanted touching/physical contact
- Pressure for sex/sexual favours
-Threats (job-related or otherwise) based on your willingness to have sex
- Rape/sexual assault 
If you believe you’re the victim of sexual harassment at work, here’s what you should do next.
Document EVERYTHING Whether you choose to go to the police/solicitor or your HR department about what’s been happening, having a log that details every encounter, every comment, every inappropriate moment etc as well as the time/date etc, will add weight to your claims. Presenting many detailed examples as well as a timeline of events that could highlight the increasing severity or frequency of the incidents will put you in control and make a formal investigation likely.
Be clear advances are NOT WELCOME or RECIPROCATED Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances. Therefore, you must make it clear that the advances or behaviour you’re receiving is not welcome and that you feel uncomfortable. State clearly, that you don’t wish to be spoken to in that way. Politely ask not to be complimented etc as it makes you uncomfortable and you find it offensive. If possible, have witnesses around when this happens.
Speak with a lawyer Speaking with a civil rights lawyer can provide you with information, as they can let you know what details around a case like yours are of importance. They can be there for you as you decide whether or not you wish to go ahead with the case. 
Speak out further You should speak to your employer about the situation if you feel comfortable to do so. If the sexual harassment has amplified and criminal conduct as taken place e.g. rape/sexual assault, then you should go to the police immediately.
    Get help from the right sources
If you experience job loss due to the harassment whether you leave by choice or experience wrongful termination then you can speak to a lawyer, your local citizen's advice and your doctor if you're struggling with your mental and/or physical health. A doctor may give you medication to help ease any anxiety or depression and also give you a sick note.
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