3 Tips To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

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In this day and age, being energy efficient and finding ways to do more is the way to go. Whether you are motivated by your bank account or because you want to do more for the environment, there is always more you can do to make an impact.

More people are opting for solar installation, choosing to hire an electrician to check around their homes and help make them more energy efficient, keeping an eye out for any draughts and leaky taps and more. 

Continue reading to learn how you can do your part to become more energy efficient every day.

Get Better Windows

The windows in your home serve you and your family in many ways. They let the light shine in and give you a view of whatever is going on outside. They are also a practical tool in your efforts to become more energy-efficient, and some windows are better at this endeavour than others. Replace your old windows with new ones to make a positive impact on your utility bill every month. 

Choosing windows with double glazing is the perfect way to help your efforts. Double glazing is a unique feature where clear gasses are trapped between the two panes of glass or glazing. These gasses provide insulating features to help regulate the temperature in your home to make it more comfortable for everyone.

Seal the Cracks

You may not realize that small cracks around your window casements or along the exterior of your home’s foundation are detrimental to your home’s cooling and heating efforts. The cool air in your home can escape to the outside, and the frigid air during the winter months can enter into your home through these cracks, causing the utility bills to rise as your furnace works overtime to heat the colder air.

You can hire a handy person to do the job for you. This may be the best option if you have windows on the upper floors with cracks on the outside that you are unable to reach on your own. Otherwise, this task is simple enough that you can take a do-it-yourself approach to achieve clean, professional-looking, and successful results.

Watch this video to learn the best practices for removing old caulk and applying a fresh bead. While this video does not touch upon draughts, the same application applies to spreading caulk, whether for aesthetic purposes or to prevent draughts.

Install Window Coverage

By far, the easiest thing you, or anyone, can do to improve your home’s energy efficiency is to install window coverings and use them. During the cold and rainy winter months, open the blinds or shades to let the sunlight into your home. This small effort will decrease the need to turn the lights on and allow whatever sunlight is shining through the clouds to help warm your rooms. 

Conversely, when the temperatures soar, and it is hotter outside than inside, close the blinds or window coverings to prevent the home from overheating. Open them up later in the day when the sun is shining on another part of the house. 

By implementing small changes throughout your home and incremental lifestyle shifts, such as installing high-quality and insulating windows, you will make an impact on your utility bill over time. Pick out some stylish new window coverings, and you are all set!

Image Source: Pexels